

If you’re reading this it means you probably entered the wrong blog address. Or you came here hoping to find download links for the latest Neurosis album. Alternatively, you know me personally and came here hoping to read something funny and witty (sorry to disappoint).

Well regardless of your position, you’re here now so you may as well indulge me for a few hundred words. In short, I’ve started this blog as a means of posting some music reviews that will hopefully get me a job for Decibel Magazine (#iloveyouguyspleasehiremeherearemycontactdetails). I can’t promise that you’ll find anything here that you either know or like, as my focus will generally be on music that is outside of the mainstream (experimental rock, alternative, extreme metal, hardcore etc.), but what I’m really looking for is feedback and criticism so that I can develop my writing further and hopefully get a job of some sorts. Hence the blog title of ‘The Sound of Perseverance’ – this is my attempt at furthering my skills and pushing on through this terrible journey called life (ironically the title is taken from an album by the band Death... who just so happen to be a death metal band... who occasionally wrote songs about death... whose lead singer is dead... eish). So if you would be so kind as to comment on posts that you’ve read, I will be eternally grateful for your support.

Oh! I’m also going to have a small ‘column’ of sorts for anecdotes and stories that I’d like to share with the World Wide Web called ‘Obscure Wisdom’ (which this particular post falls under... and which I’m sure you realised is the blog address). The same goes for these little asides, as they also form a part of my writing and writing style so comment away!

Thanks for listening!

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